Even if Windows today is more stable than earlier versions, a good backup is the best way to protect your data and your work; that's why ZipGenius comes with a wide variety of backup options that will fit your needs.

Backup features can be reached through the main menu of ZipGenius, which is organized in two section.


Compress files
Check this item if you want to compress files being added to the backup archive.

Insert date and time in filename
This option adds the date and time of creation to archive filename. The resulting filename will be look like: backupname_YYYYMMDD_HHmm.zip, where YYYY is the year, MM is the month, DD is the day, HH is the hour and "mm" is the minute.

Update archive
Check this item if you need to add files to an existing backup archive and to update files that are already into that.


This one allows to backup a folder of your choice.

My Music folder
Choose this one to backup the "My Music" folder (Windows XP only).

My Pictures folder
This one allows to backup the "My Pictures" folder (Windows 2000/XP only).

My Video folder
This one allows to backup the "My Video" folder (Windows XP only).

IE Favorites
It allows to backup the Favorites folder of Internet Explorer.

Mozilla Firefox\Thunderbird Profiles
You can backup the settings and messages stored for one of the user profiles installed for Mozilla Firefox or Thunderbird application. The backup also could be converted to self-extracting, so you don't have to use ZipGenius to restore the profile it contains.

My Documents
This backups your "My Documents" folders and creates an archive named Documents.zip.

Windows folder
Backups your windows folder and creates an archive named Windows.zip.

System folder
Backups your "\Windows\System" folder and creates an archive named System.zip.

Windows Registry 
This does the backup of Windows Registry. ZipGenius will copy the files "system.dat""user.dat""system.ini"  and "win.ini"  in a  ".cab" archive, compatible with "ScanReg ". By this way you will have the chance to restore your registry settings in a while. The resulting archive will be named "rb1000.cab" and it will be place in \Windows\Sysbckup.

In Windows 2000/XP this option is hidden due to security reason: in fact, if you try to manually restore the registry files, Windows will recognize that as a security violation and it will force you to re-install the operating system.

Outlook Express messages
This one ackups all Outlook Express 5/6 folders and creates an archive named  OE_bak.zip.

Windows Address Book
This does the backup of your current Windows Address Book in an archive named WAB_bak.zip.

This does the backup of Windows' fonts folder.

Custom folders backup
You can add an unlimited number of custom paths to the Backup menu: click on "Add/manage custom backup folders". This feature allows you to have how many folders you want ready to be put in a backup archive.

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